Thursday, December 28, 2017
My Frozen Life In Alaska
Posted by Earth2eartha on 12:00 AM. Alaska,Alyeska Resort,Balto,Frozen,Iditarod,Salmon,Seasonal Work,Snow,Snowboarding,Travel,Winter -
Since I moved here, I can proudly admit that I have only sang "Let It Go" out loud, once.
It was when I was walking down a beautiful snowy path in the forest in the dark (probably at around 4:00 PM), and I thought I'd distract myself from the fear of being attacked by a random moose.
Yes. That's what it looks like at 4:00 PM.
Why the song choice, you might ask? Well... apart from the obvious...
Thursday, December 7, 2017
WOW Air: An Honest Review
Posted by Earth2eartha on 12:00 AM. Budget Travel,Europe,Female Traveler,Iceland,London,Review,Travel,Travel Blogger,Wow Air,Wow Air Review,Wow Airlines -

There are a LOT of mixed reviews about the airline, WOW Air, since they started their low cost flights from the USA to Iceland and Europe (mostly negative). At first glance, their prices are insanely cheap compared to other carriers... but really, because it's a very 'bare bones' type of airline, you end up having to pay for everything from carry on luggage, to even freakin' water in the flight.
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Earth2Eartha's Travel Hacks: Nifty Tips for the Practical Traveler
Posted by Earth2eartha on 12:00 AM. Airbnb,Backpacking,Budget Travel,Couchsurfing,Hostels,Practical Travel,Travel,Travel Blogger,Travel Hacks,Travel Tips,Voluntourism -

While I was still working for the ship, I held a series of talks for the crew, called, "Travel Talks with Eartha". It was a mini event arranged by our Crew Enrichment Director, open to anyone who's ever wanted to learn about how to travel smart, and on a budget, straight from a professional cheapskate like me.
I didn't expect the turnout to be as great as they were, that I actually had...
Thursday, October 26, 2017
On The End Of An Era And The Start Of Something New
Posted by Earth2eartha on 3:00 AM. #CruiseShipLife,Alaska,Aloha,Hawaii,Inspirational,Travel,Travel Blogger -

Yes - That's me coming out of a pit! I have come back from the dead (It's almost Halloween after all), stretched my chubby little fingers, and decided to start writing again!
I know... I know... I realize that with more than a year of being on hiatus, I may have lost most, if not all of my readers. I also am not amiss to the fact that I would almost have to start...
Thursday, June 29, 2017
On What It’s Really Like to Work for a Cruise Ship
Posted by Earth2eartha on 12:00 AM. #CruiseShipLife,Caribbean,Cruise Ship Job,Cruise Ship Life,Cruise Ship Worker,Female Traveler,Hawaii,Round The World Travel,Travel,Travel 2016,Work For A Cruise Ship -

I’ve been asked this question a lot lately. And although working for this industry for the past couple years doesn’t necessarily make me an expert, I think I may be credible enough to shed some light on this very mysterious and elusive career.
See – the problem is that quite a few people probably have a very misguided idea of what working on a cruise ship is like. Some think it's glamorous...